Friday, June 11, 2010

Plantar Fasciitis

While it is fairly easy to write about your running and racing when everything is going fine it is a bit different when things go wrong. On 9/19/09 after the Ramsey Run 10K I developed a case of Plantar Fasciitis in my left foot that only got worse until I was forced to take about 10 days off after the Ashenfelter 8k classic on 11/26/09. Basically after the 8k I could not even walk, I had to hobble, hop, limp and do whatever just to get back to my car. It has been a long road back, but has been fun and could have been much worse. Anyway it is great to be back to running and racing again. My foot still tightens up when I sleep at night or I sit around too long, however, I just have to be mindful to stretch my calves and foot. Below are some of my recommendations if you find yourself with a case of Plantar Fasciitis.

Book – This book definitely helped. It has 30 recommendations which some are listed below.

Rest - This was the hardest thing for me to do however, after racing on Thanksgiving Day 2009 and being barely able walk afterward, I finally accepted the fact that my body needed some time off. I ended up having to take 10 days off in a row. I rode my bike during this time period to not lose too much fitness.

Ice - The standard recommendation is 10 to 20 minutes several times during the day. The best times are right after a workout and right before going to sleep.

Stretching - Stretch calves, hamstrings, also stretch the foot that hurts you.

Shoes - I stopped using any old running shoes. I am now rotating 3 new pairs of different running shoes.

Insoles - Wear all the time (not just while running) at least until your condition is gone. I would try the superfeet insoles first because they are reasonably priced $30-$40. I have the blue type since I have flat feet however there are different types. Currently I use the superfeet for walking around and the custom orthotics for running.

I also purchased new custom orthotics since my old ones (Langer) had cracked, I would have just gone to a podiatrist to get fitted for another pair of Langer orthotics, however, when I inquired about them I was told that the company was out of business. So instead I purchased...

Sleep with Nighttime Splint - I liked this one the best, however, it feels kink of bulky and you have to take it off to walk.
I also have this one, however, I did not like how it bends your toes up (annoying!), however, you can walk with it and it is not bulky at all.

Immune System - I think part of my problem with plantar fasciitis was due to a weaken immune system from too many miles and a diet that is deficient in certain things (I eat very little fruits and vegetables; also I do not have enough variety in my diet). Below is a link to a good article.

From the above article…

Signs that Your Immune System May be Dysfunctional
• Unexplained fatigue. Remember that aging is not a reason to feel tired.
• Craving sweets in the late afternoon or evening.
• Needing more time to recover from workouts.
Recurring "itis" injuries, such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis.
• Frequent colds and flu.
• Insomnia.
• Exercising makes you more tired. If instead of feeling energized, you’re exhausted after your workouts, you may be in an advanced stage of adrenal dysfunction.


Justin said...

Good post. I've wrestled with Plantars myself and needed custom inserts for a few months. But stretching is the big thing for me to keep it at bay. I stretch out my calves a few different ways before each run and that seems to make a positive difference.

Good race today at Woodcliff Lake today. I was 3rd though quite a bit back of you two guys. With better training I'll be more competitive later this summer and fall.

runfaster-nj said...

Thanks Justin and good job with your 3rd place finish! -John