Monday, February 25, 2008

24 Miles and THE WALL

"Like most first-time marathoners, I sailed through 18 miles of my first marathon feeling like a million bucks. By 21 miles I wasn’t worth five cents."-Greg McMillan
I ran 24 miles on Saturday in 3:07:05 (1:32:15 for the first 12, 1:34:50 for the second 12). I have run four marathons so far and have hit the wall in all four (all at different points). The marathon just does not seem like my event. I know that is not the correct attitude, however, I have to be realistic and honest with myself. Anyway I will write more about that in a future blog entry.

I was little tired going into Saturday's run since I had run a total of 38.2 miles for M-F (8, 8.1, 10, 8.1, 4). With Saturdays 24 and 3 on Sunday, I ended up with 65.2 miles for the week, my highest mileage week since college. On Saturday I felt good up to 18, at 19 I was still OK, at 20 I was just hanging on, at 21 I was still hanging on and thought at least it is only three to go, at 22 I hit the wall and just struggled in for the last two miles. I seriously considered walking the last mile, however I know that I would have beat myself up about it afterward. Plus after walking some in my first marathon I have a no walking rule for myself in the marathon, so I figured I can't let myself walk in a workout. BTW my last mile was 8:53 ughh! I plan to torture myself with another 24 miler four weeks before Boston, hopefully that one goes better. Here is why I am doing the two 24 milers before Boston (8 and 4 weeks out)

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